- Perfectionism
- Burnout
- Self-Neglect
- Overwhelm
- Loneliness
- Deprivation
- Skipping friends and fun
- People pleasing and enabling others
- Private misery
- Skipping, postponing, or canceling vacations
- Rescheduling doctor appointments (even virtual ones)
- Looking good (at any cost)
- You don't have time for self-care - if you slow down or take a break, you'll backslide on career advancement and sacrifice your success.
- Love will be a distraction and get in the way of your career because you don't dare relax your work focus for a minute.
- You manage your overwhelm, anxiety, exhaustion, emptiness, and loneliness very well with numbing and avoidant behaviors like overworking, spending/shopping, bingeing (food, mindless streaming, screen time, compulsive exercise), depriving yourself of fun and relaxation, and people-pleasing to keep the boat steady.
- Missing or skipping personal opportunities now will pay off in your career later - then everyone wins.
- Perfection is your standard at all costs.
- Once you have enough money, you'll slow down, take care of yourself, find that soulmate and dive into your hobbies, have some fun. Then life will be good.
Deep down, you know you're paying too high a price for perfectionism. You struggle to juggle it all and find balance. Yet, you don't want to sacrifice your success.
I encourage successful women to explore where they spend time, energy and resources. Health, money, love, family, friends, fun faith, growth, home, work.
I was spending all my time working and caretaking - basing my worth on my professional reputation, compensation and being the best caretaker anywhere. I neglected all other parts of my life.
Honestly, I was burned out, bitchy, lonely, out-of-shape, behind in personal stuff, and too busy for friends or fun. I lots of had excuses!
Knowing that how I looked, felt and behaved was a statement about my success was terrible. I was professionally successful, yet personally frozen. I had lots of shame - how could I have career success yet no personal life to speak of?
I felt resentful, exhausted, hopeless. I believed that I had to give all I had to you, to work, to "them" - without making any time for myself. I lived on external praise...
Maybe you're ready to heal your negative thoughts and uncomfortable feelings.
You're here because you want simple solutions to take better care of yourself and grow your success. You deserve both!
EASTON INSIGHTS | Real success requires life-work balance. | Balance does not exist without consistent self-care and meaningful connection. | To achieve balance, Something's Gotta Give... but not your success.

You're busy leading, strategizing, accomplishing, reaching goal after goal - and you're wondering whether ANY ambitious, busy working woman can actually embrace self-care and be successful. I've been where you are.
I show working women exactly how it's possible with my proven approach to growing your career and personal success while prioritizing yourself.
Prioritize Self-Care + Create the Life You Want
This powerful framework is simple though not easy. It's for you if you want to ditch the overwhelm and stress, move past resentments, melt shame, relieve pressure, feel like yourself again and have more fun.
You're motivated to change and ready to be open, honest and vulnerable. You're prepared to invest beyond your career - to spend time, energy and resources on your personal life, too. YOU ARE WILLING TO BE WILLING.
You're committed to transforming the parts of your life that are less than fulfilling.
GET THE LIFE YOU WANT!Prioritize Yourself
I believed being too busy was normal - and noble.
Don't hit bottom like I did. I'm here to coach you.

Prioritize self-care with this powerful coaching framework for female executives, nonprofit leaders and professional women. Ditch your overwhelm. Take care of yourself. Grow your success.
Achieve balance and a fullfilling life through consistent self-care + meaningful connection without sacrificing your success.
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